A New Tool to Take Care of Your Life is an article in today’s New York Times written by Steve Lohr. The article features Keas, Adam Bosworth’s start-up that empowers people to intimately, actively participate in managing their own health.

This is significant because (1) a start-up Health 2.0 company is prominently featured on the front page of the NYT’s Business Day section, and (2) Keas is off the ground.

Welcome to The Health 2.0 Conference, version 3.0, number 5. The initial conference (known on Twitter as #health2con) was held in San Francisco in October 2007. Two years later, at this fifth meeting of the group, there are some differences we’ll observe today and tomorrow:

1. We’ll see the consumer aggregators, Google, Microsoft, and WebMD, demonstrating new applications that are on their way to integration health citizens’ personal health information from data silos. We won’t achieve perfect data liquidity, but we’ll be on the way.

1a. We’ll learn about newer consumer aggregators where consumers are aggregating themselves, not through organizations like health plans and providers, but on their own. The earliest pioneer in this space, PatientsLikeMe, has spawned a new generation of similar

2. More applications will be available for physicians and other health providers that help to both streamline workflow and achieve economic efficiencies as well as move them closer to engaging in participatory health with patients.

3. New health trackers and mobile health apps will continue to proliferate and arm those patients who want to be full participants in their own care.

4. The search for meaningful use using open source and Health 2.0 tools will play out in debates on the center stage between Dogs and Cats — different interests in health stakeholder groups.

5. While health care is delivered locally, there’s an increasing global bent to health app development so we’ll learn about emerging health management applications being developed outside of the U.S. And riffing on the global team, we’ll hear more about next Spring’s Health 2.0 Conference to be held in Paris.

Health Populi’s Hot Points:
Stay tuned to Health Populi each day this week to hear more details on who’s who in Health 2.0 and what they’re doing. And watch the tweets on Twitter using the hashtag #health20con.