It’s a rare occurrence on any panel at a technology or health care conference, but Episode 17 of The Health Care Blog Gang webcast featured an all-female panel of awesome women working in health, tech and policy: Tina Park of Diagram, an innovative design consultancy; Dr. Grace Cordovano of Enlightening Results, a leader in patient advocacy; Shannon Brownlee, author of the amazing book Overtreated and senior vice president at the Lown Institute; Jessica DaMassa of the WTF Health broadcast covering health-tech developments; Zoya Khan, our moderator who is part of THCB team; and me. Listen in to our wide-ranging conversation on key topics of the day — Supreme Court rulings impacting women’s health and healthcare, the pandemic, health care costs, the growth of the Livongo stock price, among other issues on the top of our minds…
Jane joined an all-female team on The Health Care Blog Gang webcast, talking #SCOTUS, COVID-19 & women’s health care
By Jane Sarasohn-Kahn on 14 July 2020 in